They sing together in the center section of a choir at a predominately African American Baptist church and both served a stint in the Navy.

Roughly 2,000 sets of twins registered at this year’s annual Twins Days gathering in Twinsburg, Ohio on August 4-6, 2017. The festival takes place 25 miles southeast of Cleveland in a cozy suburban hamlet. On Saturday morning there’s a “Double Take Parade” and through Sunday twins congregate in a park behind a middle school for contests (most or least identical), talent shows, scientific research, and a daily group photo. There are deep-fried Oreos, carnival rides, arts and crafts, and a beer pavilion.
It’s just like a small county fair. Except everyone has a double. And you don’t.
I got a headache the first day. The parade never seems to end, because it’s non-stop gawking. But that’s totally ok. Selfies with strangers? Totally ok. Pull up a chair and stare? S’ok.