Brooke, 22, from Alaska, sat in Franklin Park between twins Baylee (left) and Cassie, 21-years-old and college students from Pennsylvania.
Isabella, 10, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
A police officer stands near a flamed out limousine on K Street.
Mike and Cille (left), from Oklahoma City, and Melissa Sandefer from Houston, Texas, stand on 14th Street. Mike and Melissa are in the oil and gas business.
Some of the 2,500 students with the Envision Presidential Inauguration Leadership Summit sat on the National Mall.
David, a Washington, D.C. resident who works in sales.
Wyatt, 12, with his family from Newnan, Georgia.
Ken and Kerri from Illinois watched the Inaugural parade.
Portraits from Section 6 on the National Mall, Franklin Square and the streets of Washington, D.C. on the day of U.S. President Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, January 20, 2017.